Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gardening Time: Start Some Seeds

When I picked up some organic seeds yesterday at the store I could tell I had been going through gardening withdrawals. Knowing it would be too late to start my usual early crops by the time I relocate to Big Sandy Mush, I could feel my hand holding packets of cool weather radishes & snap peas shaking like an addict - the smart voice in my head saying "Put it back Leslie, be economical, plant during the right season, just put down those seeds..." Instead I grabbed a ton of veggies and herbs that will be perfectly timed with my move, but since I just couldn't wait to get my hands in the dirt (mmmm, dirt smells so good) I decided to go ahead and do a few starter plants.
Most herbs do great as transplants and can be started ahead of it's natural season. Veggies can be hit or miss but I went ahead and tried planting some Moon and Stars Watermelons (click that highlighted link and see how freakin' pretty those watermelons are!). All you need to get your plants started are dirt, something to stick the dirt in, seeds, hands or a shovel, and a good gardening buddy (see pic below!) After I filled my trays with some soil, I sprinkled chicken poo compost over all the dirt. Giving your organic seeds a good start makes a stronger plant - but be careful not to blast them with too much enhancement which in my opinion can create a weaker plant as it grows.
I buy only organic seeds because these are not genetically modified, they are free of chems, they are mostly heirloom, and they make much stronger plants with better bug resistance. Any plants I grew from non organic seeds always had worse pest & fungus issues, and somehow feel like it's a conspiracy seed that forces people to think we need to spray our food with nasty chemicals. Which is gross.
I really hope that this isn't the face I make when I am gardening... maybe I hope this isn't a face I make regularly at other humans (any friends or relatives out there to confirm this!??) It's a good idea to label which seeds are which, especially if you are a beginner gardener so you can know what to plant where - a must in companion planting!
Keep those little guys watered regularly for quicker and healthy germination. :)

Happy Gardening! xoxo


Anonymous said...

How do you grow a darling cat like that? It probably doesn't like to get watered very often I bet. Oh, that face, so kyoot.

Lucky you are moving only a short distance, can take the starts with you, you clever girl.

My blog is under construction and I am floating around in the blogosphere.

Miss Voodoo said...

Hey Susie!

I can't wait to see your new re-vamped website, i am sure it will be awesome. :)
Toots likes to be watered a little - she used to get in the shower with me, sits with her paws in the tub when i take a bath, and she goes outside and plays in the rain. I love her!
Can't wait to move and get my gardens started.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a cat that sat out in the rain, others that would rather die than get a drop of water on them. Toots suits you well!

I miss blogging. Hopefully only a couple more days.

Mokihana Calizar said...

We have squash seeds coming up, getting them ready for the woods! We used our compost to get them started, and now you remind me to go water the babies.
Toodles! Mokihana

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