Thursday, February 26, 2009

Signs Of Spring Part 2

Are you wanting to push the little daisies and make them come up & tiptoe through the tulips? I am sooooo ready for spring warmth I have been outside crawling around the yard searching for the slightest sign that it truly is on it's way.

1. Cardinal in a Quince Bush looking for a lady friend.
2. Micro sized wildflowers blooming into a delicate ground cover.
3. Crickets!!!! This poor guy is missing a leg though, since my kitty Toots found him first.
4. Longer days with the sun moving to a new place in the sky.

The Keywords That Brought You Here

The majority of people find The Oko Box blog & store through search engines like Google, using a wide variety of keywords (thousands) that lead them here like a herd of search engines zombies. This is the second time I have shown you the inner working of the the human mind as seen through the eyes of google analytic keywords... but this time instead of making commentary about each one, I will leave that up to you! Choose your favorites and try to explain what the person was up to.

*Keywords that make you go Hmmmmmm...*

hemp tree
ass naturals
barium after poop
how to poop after drinking barium
why did i vomit after drinking barium
beeswax condom
boring clothes rope
how to wear leggings
without dress women and men with kiss
under deep freezer
pictures of art deco women
box of smut
butt falling photo
canaries porn fk
nasty things to do to your boyfriend
nasty things fish do in water
make a vodo doll of a coworker with a photo
i love chems
hopeless lingerie
hippy menses
fox tv 6 şubat kinks box
got my laundry back smells toxic
smut minded
put poop in your ass
women's box for glory
panties making out
where can i donate porn
nuns organic clothing
organic love

PS- my observational summary is this: 1.Barium causes alot of people digestive issues 2.The internet is mostly used for porn 3.People are really confused on just about every subject known to man 4. Do beeswax condoms really exist? 5. Is this proof of the chaos theory?


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yes or No: Would you F The President?

There is alot of Obama love going around and this morning I got an e-mail from a friend... let's call her 'Sandy'... Sandy sends me this note below, I am assuming after watching our new prez speak last night:

"i googled "i want to fuck the president" and only found two things...what's up with that."

- Sandy

LOL. I have decided to put this here so that we could start a post where people can leave their feelings on the subject. I think because Prez Obama talks openly about subjects such as using solar power & green collared jobs there is a 'crush on the president' phenomena catching like a fever! What are your feelings?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Style That's Handmade, Vintage, Used and Organic

Make your own stuff to wear with triple the eco power! Get a vintage or used book on how to crochet, knit or sew your own clothing & accessories, then make your crafts using organic yarns, fabrics and vintage embellishments, and the final eco-power is in the fact that it's all handmade by you. That is as fair trade, organic, and low impact as you can possibly get! Check out this funky fun 80's mag at Sought Vintage on etsy ( pictured here above and below)...

"Marshall Cavendish's Stitch by Stitch weekly magazine from 1979/1981. Two issues!!!Issues 22 and 42 of this 80's popular series containing excellent retro crochet, knitting and sewing patterns.These have BIG crochet sweater, Legwarmers, rain ponchos, "French" knitting, Awesome sundresses, Lacy pillows, Sailor shirt, Checked sweater, so much more... "


Coming This Spring

The economy may have slumped over further then a drunk man on Bourbon Street and a few eco designers may have closed their doors due to the financial strain, but many organic designers are still creating their spring and fall 09 collections! Designers such as Andrea from Gaia Conceptions makes each item to your order, specifically to your personal measurements - something which cuts out the manufacturing process that has forced many clothing companies to close shop. Gaia Conceptions will be bringing a fabulous range of organic cotton & hemp dresses, skirts, & tops in new colorful low impact dyes plus she will soon showcase her natural dyes she's been working on in her secret lab. :) There will also be a sensual new spring collection from Meadow that includes some of the best eco bikinis I have ever seen plus other organic breezy garments that capture the essence of warm summer days (see pic above!)
Coming to The Oko Box March-April 09!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Want This Dress

It's like the naughty secretary in organic cotton & bamboo. I want to put it on with a hot belt, some spiky thrifted heals and feathers in my hair.
Custom Made by Posh Pua on Etsy!

Embroidered & Applique Organic Wedding Gowns

These wedding gowns are the perfect mix of my two favorite things - earth friendly fabrics and handmade embroidery & applique artistry which creates a dress that can only be compared to something of fairy tales & unicorn dreams. The handy work plus the eco fabrics come with a slightly higher price tag then the organic bridal dresses without all the pizazz, costing between $1,200- 3,200 to have one of these elaborate gems custom made for your wedding.

The following three eco wedding dresses are made by Earth Bitch:
Fantastic embroidery, custom made & tailored for your body - all done with the flare of a fairy princess, a free spirit, a gardening queen, and a bride from story books. Earth Bitch makes her ethical wedding gowns in hemp/silk blends and uses vintage materials for embellishments. (PS- this eco designer made a formal gown in the Miss USA Pageant this year, for Miss Vermont!)

Threadhead Creations makes the following two applique eco wedding dresses:
These Threadhead dresses are hand-crafted out of hemp grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers blended with wild peace silk. The applique work is beyond anything words can really describe, this is certainly a moment when pictures speak much much louder! These phenomenal designs are not printed on the wedding dress, but rather made from pieces of fabric sewn onto it like a beautifully woven painting.
If you know of any other elaborately embellished organic & eco wedding dresses for the offbeat bride, tell us about it in the comments section please!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Signs Of Spring

Spring makes me feel like I am going to bust at the seams! Here's some pics of spring's awakening...

1. Buds and leaves are slowly bubbling out of branches and breaking free.

2. Lillies and Daffodils are poking out the ground and ready to dance in the wind.

3. Little wildflowers are blooming close to the ground.

4. I am wearing my favorite red pumps to tromp around the yard in.
There's so much tiny beauty to see everyday!

Friday, February 20, 2009

What's Your Condom Lubed In?

I have no idea... do you? When shopping for lubricated condoms I have never seen an ingredient list about what the prophylactic's lube is made of, much like the other ambiguous products such as perfumes & detergents who are not made to disclose their "secret" formulas. For some reason it seems to only matter what the actual condom is made of, since there are known latex allergies and various types of protection come with various risks. Sheep skin protects against pregnancy but not STD's, Latex can cause allergies and rots when any type of oil touches it causing microscopic holes or breaks, and the polyurethane is the alternative to latex but hasn't had as much testing as the former two choices. Then you have these mysterious chemical based lubes on all of them that have who knows what in them?
Correct me if I am wrong (and I want to be corrected) but there doesn't seem to be any unlubricated sheep skin condoms out there for the latex & poly-freak show wary... and I have yet to find any claiming to use organic & allergen free lubes on their packaged goods either. So what are the alternatives?
Use your own lube with an unlubed condom? With much searching through the pages of google I found only one lube company that claims the crown of silky smooth organic lube, that is free of all the common allergens (gluten, dairy etc) & chemical junk that you now have to wonder if is on the mystery slipperies you've been using. YES! That's the name of the company, YES makes organic lubes that are water and oil based -( but don't forget that oil doesn't belong on latex unless you think a bun belongs in the oven or an STD on your ______.)

Things that make you say YES!:
(I am including all the YES product info here, because I think one of the best ways to learn what's in your mystery products is by reading the alternative's claims to what they didn't use.)
1. Certified and guaranteed purity and quality – organically produced wherever possible, as this ensures product integrity and no hidden chemicals carried over from the production processes, such as the recent FDA alert for Diethylene glycol (anti-freeze) in glycerin .

2. A solid pedigree of safety and performance – for example, flax has been cultivated by man for over 6000 years and the ancient Greeks and Romans used it to heal, moisturise and nourish skin.

3. No known skin irritants:
(a)No Menthol / Peppermint oil – skin irritants and can damage mucous membranes
(b)No Grapefruit seed extract
(c)No Glycerin – can be a skin irritant in some people and in concentrated solutions can damage the mucous membranes

4. No natural or synthetic products that have health issues or concerns:
(a)No Parabens – (Parabens, i.e. Methylparaben, are a range of synthetic preservatives that mimic estrogen and are potentially linked to breast cancer)
(b) No Glycerin – A sugar that can feed Candida albicans and so cause a bout of Thrush in women
(c) No Propylene glycol – a penetration enhancer used in cosmetics, as well as lubricants, to “pull” other chemicals into the skin
(d) No L-Arginine – an amino acid that can initiate a Herpes outbreak in people with genital Herpes
(e) No Petroleum by-products such as Mineral Oil (Liquidum Paraffinum), Petrolatum (petroleum jelly), Paraffin oil (lamp oil or premium Kerosine) or Paraffin wax. Two concerns, firstly they coat the skin preventing its normal functions and secondly they are potentially contaminated with impurities linked to cancer or other significant health problems. The EU has restricted the use of Petrolatum in cosmetic manufacture
(f) No Silicone oils such as Dimethicone, Cyclomethicone or Dimethicone Copolyol. Much like Petroleum by-products they coat the skin, not allowing it to breathe. There is so much breast implant (these were / are Silicone oils) side effect information and controversy that we recommend you search for “silicone toxicity” in Google and take a view yourself.

5. Never tested on animals. No animal ingredients. Yes® oil-based contains Bees Wax which is approved by the Vegetarian Society.

6. Only plant based ingredients unless there is no effective or safe natural option

7. Preservation and product cleanliness are critical. We tested all commercially available natural and “natural” preservation systems and found that none were secure, reliable and safe enough to meet our criteria. For instance Grapefruit seed extract is a known eye irritant at low concentrations . If you know of one that works, please let us know. We finally chose a combination of natural and synthetic preservatives for Yes® water-based to deliver the performance required.

8. Grapefruit Seed Extract (also called Citrus seed extract and Citrus grandis). Independent research has shown that Grapefruit Seed Extract’s antimicrobial properties are exclusively due to adulterants: undeclared synthetic chemicals; commercially available preservatives and disinfectants such as Methylparaben. Some of which are classified as poisons (14). Yes® products will never contain Grapefruit Seed Extract.

Yes® water-based ingredients: Organic Aloe Vera, a renowned skin food; organic Flax extract which is particularly beneficial for the mucous membranes and three synergistic plant based gums – Guar, Locust Bean and Xanthan, all of which contribute to the deep velvety texture. Food quality preservatives are included and citric acid to buffer the pH.

Yes® oil-based ingredients: Two rich organic butters – Cocoa butter and Shea butter – more skin food, which impart smoothness and body; two fine emollient oils - sweet almond oil and sunflower oil, both organic, which confer a silky texture and skin moisturising benefits; a little white organic bees wax, and lastly some Vitamin E which as well as benefiting the skin, acts as a preservative."

Reading this list makes me say NO to mystery lube and YES YES YES to something safer for my health! Let's hope Yes organic lube is really living up to the credo they claim. :)
Do you know of any safe, fair trade, chemical free, vegan, gluten free or other heavenly contraceptive and lube?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Used Boots: Cheaper and Eco

Some people might find it repulsive, nasty or creepy to wear a strangers shoes instead of buying brand new slave made footwear - but ya'll need to get over it! Buying used shoes from your local thrift store, Ebay, or Etsy has pros that far exceed the cons. They've already finished out gassing their "new" smell (which translates into no toxic VOC stink), they are cheaper, someone broke them in for you and your feet won't hurt, you are not supporting the manufacturing of more junk to crowd landfills with, little children won't be forced to make them in dark unhealthy factories again, and best of all it's usually WAY cheaper!

I am a huge fans of eco made shoes (like Terra Plana) that are on the market right now but I can safely say they are light years out of my price range - therefore the best planetary support I can give while maintaining my obsession for a sweet pair of boots is buying second hand.

Here's a sample platter of what the used boot world has to serve up:

VINTAGE REPEATS: "These vintage ankle boots were made by "Two Lips". I believe they are a size 7. They have red leather uppers with a lacy cutout pattern. Silver trim accents the elaborate cutouts. The boots have 4" zippers in the backs and 3 1/2" stiletto heels...

MY FAVORITE VINTAGE: "Chocolate Brown Granny Boots Made in Italy, size 7 1/2."

DEWBERRY VINTAGE: "Grey Slouchy Boots, Soft gray suede and leather boots with spiked heel. Leather at toe and detail leather band across calf. Wonderful condition with little to no wear on soles. Size: 8 Narrow"
FIRE GYPSY VINTAGE: "Vintage 1960s 0r 1970s Super Retro Boots are Cowgirl Western styled with Boho flare. They have Feather Accents -Size 6, Length of shaft: 12, Length of sole: 9.5 inches, Calf diameter: 14.5."

PUNK VOUGE: "These are an amazing, unique pair of Doc Marten Boots. They are black, with the British flag on the toe. They have 8 holes. They are a size 10 in womens 9 in men. Boots have minor scuffs. "


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

House Plants Filter Indoor Air

I am a huge fan of growing house plants! I used to have a black thumb that killed anything I came in contact with but somehow I turned that poor thing green and now grow over 25 plants inside my house. It is amazing how fast plants can clean indoor air, ridding the house or office of old smells like smoke or chemicals in as quick as 48 hours - making a safer environment to breath in. If you keep your plants healthy by giving them good soil, don't over water, and get plants from local growers who didn't blast them with chem fertilizers and pesticides then you should have almost no probs growing some greenies in your space. (Even if your thumb isn't so green!)

Here's the official Wikipedia list of house plants that filter your indoor air:

"The first list of air filtering plants was compiled by NASA as part of the NASA Clean Air Study, which researched ways to clean air in space stations. As well as absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, as all plants do, these plants also eliminate significant amounts of benzene, formaldehyde and/or trichloroethylene.
English Ivy (Hedera helix)
Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
Golden pothos or Devil's ivy (Scindapsus aures or Epipremnum aureum)
Peace lily (Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa')
Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)
Bamboo palm or reed palm (Chamaedorea sefritzii)
Snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii')
Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium, syn. Philodendron cordatum)
Selloum philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum, syn. Philodendron selloum)
Elephant ear philodendron (Philodendron domesticum)
Red-edged dracaena (Dracaena marginata)
Cornstalk dracaena (Dracaena fragans 'Massangeana')
Janet Craig dracaena (Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig')
Warneck dracaena (Dracaena deremensis 'Warneckii')
Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)
Gerbera Daisy or Barberton daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
Pot Mum or Florist's Chrysanthemum (Chrysantheium morifolium)
Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)
Top performers for removing formaldehyde.
Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata "Bostoniensis")
Florist's mum(Chrysanthemum morifolium)
Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
Dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
Janet Craig (Dracaena deremensis "Janet Craig")
Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea sefritzii)
Kimberly queen fern (Nephrolepis obliterata)
Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)
English ivy (Hedera helix)
Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina)
Peace lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)
Top performers for removing xylene and toluene.
Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
Dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
Moth orchid (Phalenopsis sp.)
Dumb cane (Camilla) (Dieffenbachia camilla)
Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)
Dendrobium orchid (Dendrobium sp.)
Dumb cane (Exotica) (Dieffenbachia "Exotica Compacta')
King of hearts (Homalomena wallisii)
Kimberly queen fern (Nephrolepis obliterata)
Warneckei (Dracaena deremensis "Warneckei")
The recommendation of NASA is to use 15 to 18 good-sized houseplants in six- to eight-inch (203 mm) diameter containers in a 1,800-square-foot (170 m2) house."

Happy Growing and Happy Breathing!

Namaste Gluten Free Vanilla Cake

This is the first time I have baked and eaten a piece of cake since I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2001! I made it with Namaste gluten free vanilla cake mix , just an egg, olive oil and water ... but I had topped it with organic strawberries, lots of organic strawberries that had totally disappeared into the black hole abyss of cake baking. See that pull, that strawberry swallowing vortex in the middle of the cake in the pic above... terrible but true, it reminds me of Freddy Kruger pulling his victim into the center of their bed and them disappearing into his Nightmare On Elm Street, (I know I watched too much gross TV growing up!) After some digging though, I found the yummy berries AND this cake tasted like freaking VANILLA ICE CREAM chew cookie heaven fluff. Happy Valentines to me!

PS- The reason it took me like 8 years to finally eat some gluten free cake is because many of the mixes had corn, dairy, or some other allergen in it that I also couldn't have (and just way too many ingredients in general) - so I gave up on finding any baked goods. Never give up hope!!! Whether it's for a baked good, some money, a cure, or just a hug today. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

10 Last Minute & Cheap Valentines Ideas

1. Write your lover a poem.

. Plan a sexy dance (might I suggest to this Peaches Song).

3. Bake something together at home, like organic brownies or strawberry pie.

4. Learn origami today and make them pretty paper swans.

5. Go to the used book store and pick up something in the sexuality section that ya'll can read & laugh about together.

6. Fill the tub with hot water and light a candle for when they arrive.

7. Pick up a small bottle of almond oil at the store and give the gift of a massage.

8. Write a sweet letter and drop it in their mailbox on Valentines morning ... sealed with a kiss of course.

9. Run on over to your local plant nursery or organic farmer and pick up a potted plant.

10. Combine any two of these and make a personalized, romantic, memorable and economically viable night of fun!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't Let My Butt Fall Down

This post is at the request of my good friend Noel, who wanted to know about how I keep my butt from falling down as we age. I decided I am willing to embarrass myself by sharing my 2 butt-ersizes I do 5 times a week and help ya'll save your ass too! ;) I have to state though that the following pics are so nearly humiliating that I feel they should get me a free membership to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and I can only hope that I bring a little variety to the usually big (fake) boobied internet. I feel I can no longer be blackmailed by anyone with anything after willingly posting this.

The Following 2 Butt-ersizes are really easy and will not even take 5 minutes to do.
#1. The Tight Ass
ONE: Stand perfectly straight to begin with, using your hands on your hips for balance.
TWO: Push your pelvis forward as far as you can and tighten your butt as much as you can and hold for a second. See the pic below for the back view of the tight ass... ;) THREE: Release quickly and pull back a little. Repeat these motions as quickly or slowly as you like to do them. It only takes 30 pumps forward a day to keep your butt in shape.

#2. The Thrusty Lady
ONE: Lay flat on your back with your hands resting at your sides, and your knees up.
TWO: Lift your pelvis as far into the air as you can go and tighten up your butt (as you do in exercise #1 The Tight Ass above). Repeat this two step motion as many times as you desire. I only do about 10 thrusts 5 times a week to keep my butt closer to my back then the backs of my knees.

ps - Sadly i don't know any way to keep our boobies from falling down, but am open to suggestions!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Using The Wonder Wash

Ya'll, I love my Wonder Wash! It uses no electricity, you can take it anywhere you travel, it does up to a 5 lb load, it builds good arm muscle and really does get clothes just as clean as the modern energy sucking machines. I could go on and on about how great it is but instead I thought I'd just show you how it works... The design is quite simple and relies on pressure to clean the clothes. You just shove your dirty laundry into the hole at the top and fill it up with water. On the directions it says to fill it with water first but I never follow directions ;) BTW- if you use soap to clean your clothes now's the time to add it in.There is a pressure lid that is screwed on tightly - it keeps the water in and creates the air tight cleaning power. Once you have the lid on you spin the crank for the clean cycle - it is suggested to spin it between 1-2 minutes but I usually go for a little longer just to make sure (I am a dirty girl who is hard on my clothes!).The easiest way to dump the water is to then attach the tube that drains the dirty water directly out the bottom. You can also tip the washer over and pour it quicker out the top while holding onto the clothes by hand.Fill the Wonder Wash one more time with water for the final rinse which is suggested to be spun for 30 seconds, but I always work it for another 2-3 minutes. If you are lucky enough to own a hand wringer, then you don't have to do it by hand like I do (pictured below). The clothes will be very wet because there is no water wicking cycle like in an electric washing machine.
Hang dry out in the fresh air and have the earth friendliest, cleanest, best smelling clothes ever!

PS- If you have a big family and alot of dirty laundry and the size of the Wonder Wash makes you feel like there is no freaking way you are going to wash by hand, check out the 17 gallon capacity James Washer! It's the washer of a earthy girl's dreams!!!