Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Using The Wonder Wash

Ya'll, I love my Wonder Wash! It uses no electricity, you can take it anywhere you travel, it does up to a 5 lb load, it builds good arm muscle and really does get clothes just as clean as the modern energy sucking machines. I could go on and on about how great it is but instead I thought I'd just show you how it works... The design is quite simple and relies on pressure to clean the clothes. You just shove your dirty laundry into the hole at the top and fill it up with water. On the directions it says to fill it with water first but I never follow directions ;) BTW- if you use soap to clean your clothes now's the time to add it in.There is a pressure lid that is screwed on tightly - it keeps the water in and creates the air tight cleaning power. Once you have the lid on you spin the crank for the clean cycle - it is suggested to spin it between 1-2 minutes but I usually go for a little longer just to make sure (I am a dirty girl who is hard on my clothes!).The easiest way to dump the water is to then attach the tube that drains the dirty water directly out the bottom. You can also tip the washer over and pour it quicker out the top while holding onto the clothes by hand.Fill the Wonder Wash one more time with water for the final rinse which is suggested to be spun for 30 seconds, but I always work it for another 2-3 minutes. If you are lucky enough to own a hand wringer, then you don't have to do it by hand like I do (pictured below). The clothes will be very wet because there is no water wicking cycle like in an electric washing machine.
Hang dry out in the fresh air and have the earth friendliest, cleanest, best smelling clothes ever!

PS- If you have a big family and alot of dirty laundry and the size of the Wonder Wash makes you feel like there is no freaking way you are going to wash by hand, check out the 17 gallon capacity James Washer! It's the washer of a earthy girl's dreams!!!


  1. Your amazing. That is hilarious and amazing all at the same time. Thank you soo much for sharing because I want one to now man!!....

  2. What do you use for soap?

  3. Hey Ruralmama - It is hilarious and awesome... i get really into it too. lol If you get one let me know what your review of it is!

    Susie :)
    I don't use soap in my clothes, i usually go comando on the soap thing or squeeze a little bit of a lemon, put in a lemon rind, or a tiny shake of baking soda for things like my Glad Rags. You can use any kind of soap you want in the Wonder Wash though- the cool thing is they tell you not to use hardly any at all because the special pressure cleaning design does all the work.

  4. Yeah, baking soda and vinegar are my best friends for cleaning. And then rinse rinse rinse.

  5. wow this is the first time i've seen a wonder wash! good exercise on the arm! i would like one for myself! it sure beats going to gym

  6. hey Leslie,

    didja know they now have spin dryers? much easier on the body than wringing - provided one has hydro that is :)

    Spin Dryers

  7. Chumpman- it is really good for building arm muscle!

    Liberty! I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering how you were. Thanks for the link, wish I had a little more money for that because the clothes can take a while to dry during summer months. I think Real Goods also has a little roller/ringer attachment that squeezes water out of your clothes - go with the James Washer.
