Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yes or No: Would you F The President?

There is alot of Obama love going around and this morning I got an e-mail from a friend... let's call her 'Sandy'... Sandy sends me this note below, I am assuming after watching our new prez speak last night:

"i googled "i want to fuck the president" and only found two things...what's up with that."

- Sandy

LOL. I have decided to put this here so that we could start a post where people can leave their feelings on the subject. I think because Prez Obama talks openly about subjects such as using solar power & green collared jobs there is a 'crush on the president' phenomena catching like a fever! What are your feelings?



  1. ok! i am sandy and i just wanna say, i would f*ck the president if he were single. so confident and eco-minded and thoughtful. no condom either.

  2. LOL! If we were both single and hit it off, definitely. He's smart, hot, eco-aware, spiritual... the list of positives is long!

    What are your feelings Leslie?!

  3. Bend over Mr. President.

  4. "Sandy" - that is so naughty, no condom! lol ... and you seemed like such a good girl in the movie Grease too. :)

    Liberty! He is pretty hot, he looks like he goes to the gym everyday.
    My feelings? I guess if he talked dirty to me. I won't say anymore.

    Nick... Maybe you should start a group for men who <3 the prez! Right here in the comments section of the Oko Box!!!

  5. I have such a crush on him that I know decades from now I'll have to shush any youngster who tries to say anything bad about him. Which no one will because he's awesome.

  6. The qualities that man has are pretty darn attractive, but I'd rather make long slow sweet love with someone (single) than f*#! them.

  7. you say make slow sweet love, i say fuck...

  8. Whether you want to ML to him or F him... doesn't he loook like Malcom from the 1990's Young and the Restless in this beach shot?
