Friday, October 9, 2009

Large Funny Bee (Hornet?)

A few days ago I was playing guitar (not well I promise) and this funny giant bee that looks like a clownish hornet came by and listened. It was hovering by the guitar riding the waves of vibration (all in E flat) - a very curious and unafraid insect! (See in the pic above I put little pink stars next to him so ya'll can see.)
I love it's boxy yet rounded eyes, they look like modern sculptures belonging in the MoMa in New York City- art critics would be droning on for hours about the 'organic' shapes. ;)
It also has a really bold, glassy body striped in black, yellow and brown - you can't miss one of these guys if you see it. Does anyone know what type of bee this is?


  1. PS: that looks like E minor. :-)

  2. i think it's a hover fly... how appropriate eh? :-)
    as far as I know they don't sting - are not actually bees.
    I think they are good for natural pest control of aphids!
    I'm so jealous of your SUNshine!

  3. Hey Blair -
    I bet it is E minor, I dont have a clue - all i learned to play when i was 15 was I Am The Walrus, and House Of The Rising Sun.

    Liberty -
    Hover Fly! It totally does hover, it just sits there in the air in one spot like a helicopter checking stuff out - i thought it might not bite, since it's landed on me bunches of times.
    PS- I think you are going to like a project I am posting tomorrow...i made my own paper from junk mail! woo!

  4. We call them news bees....He has come to bring you news...Hope you were listening..

  5. Bob-
    I was listening, and I made some decisions. :)

  6. Might be some sort of 'wood wasp', attracked to the smell of the guitar wood.
