Thursday, December 25, 2008

Winter Woods

For the holiday I have two plans... to walk in the woods and then at night to ride my bike and look at holiday lights on houses. Here are pictures from Part 1 of my X-mas Day. After all the crazed consumerism mixed with a slumpy economy the woods are a breath of fresh air (literally)! Happy Holidays! xoxo


  1. These photos are beautiful, thanks for sharing them
    : )

  2. So beautiful! I love that tree with the hollow. Thanks much for sharing. Happy Holiday to you!

  3. I'm going to go with the crowd on this one and say your pics are beautiful! Pleasant and serene too. Nice set!

  4. You cant go wrong with pictures in the woods - everything is so textured, wild and beautiful.
    Thanks Ya'll!

  5. Those are lovely pictures!! Thanks for sharing. Trees rock ;-)

  6. Trees do totally rock, and smell soooo good too!
