Thursday, December 25, 2008

Holiday Bike Ride!

This is Part 2 of my holiday plans - I rode my bike around my neighborhood and looked at holiday lights, saw X-mas trees lit up in windows, and wished that all these lights were LED or solar! Asheville doesn't have nearly the amount of decorated houses that New Orleans had - or maybe no one can afford the electric bill this year... either way it's a bonus for the environment. Enjoy the pics...

PS- My good friend Bort used to work for an X-mas tree farm and said not only are the trees sprayed with pesticides but they are sprayed with PAINT too! Now that is f-en gross! Buy Organic :) xoxo


  1. It's so great that you went out for a bike ride! I love the shot with the swish of white lights. You are right, I wish they would make green holiday lights. Still pretty though! Sounds like you had a good fresh air day!!

  2. I haven't rode my bike at night since I was a little kid- there was something extra fun about it... plus i wore headphones (that run on rechargable batteries) which made it even more dramatic.
    --->They do make green holiday lights that are solar and LED, I have some LED lights hanging in my bathroom, they use hardly any electric and don't catch fire as easily as regular lights. I am pretty sure the solar ones are more pricey & I have seen them sold in at REAL GOODS/Gaiam.
