Sunday, September 21, 2008

Holiday Shopping = Buy Organic

You've got parties to go to, gifts to give, people to impress ... or just like to dance around your fireplace in your organic undies. The holidays are already coming and this year it is not only hip to give green but it is also part of a greater shift to change the way we treat the planet we live on. When you shop for earth friendly products you are helping the lives of fairly paid workers, the health of farmers, the well being of your family and each little creature that breathes. That is some bad ass gift giving that goes full circle, so here at The Oko Box I am offering a FREE SHIPPING coupon for the whole holiday season, just type in "okobreeze" in the coupon box at checkout!

There are fantastic holiday gifts such as the Hemp Slippers pictured here (they smell so yummy), the Hemp Shopping Bag
Alpaca Arm Warmers
, Clare Bare Eco Lingerie, and adorable winter hats! Don't forget the cool Autonomie Project Sneakers in organic canvas with natural rubber soles and FSC certification... & did I mention they are vegan too!
Ladies can show your eco attitude by dressing up in swank & sexy duds like the Meadow Green Tea Dress, GDG Party Glass Dress pictured here, or Gaia Conception's Kiss Me Dress. Men, you can show your stuff in the way too sexy Organic Martingala Jean and Bello Uomo button down shirt.
Happy Shopping!


  1. I am putting the hemp slipps on my wish list, have needed some since last year, but I couldn't find any sustainable ones then.

  2. Hey Colleen-
    Awesome! I think they look pretty slick, smell good, and are just the right amount of cushy at the bottom. :)
    Man, my wish list is getting huge, luckily my b-day is in two weeks, which means it's time for a costume party!!!
