Saturday, September 20, 2008

Banana Spiders Are Huge!

This is Mr. Big, not to be confused with the band... Mr. Big is a "Banana Spider" who spun a giant web in front my house making a grand display of his hugeness. If you are uneasy around spiders you will require medical attention upon sight of his web since he's the size of arachnophobic nightmares. Luckily I heart Mr. Big and he tolerated my obsessive staring.
Mr. Big is so awesome, I think I will dedicate Be With You to him ;)


  1. The one with the card is by far my favorite. Are you afraid the banana spider is going to bite you so instead you are offering him government subsidized goodies? Or was it a background to promote spider patriotism?

  2. We bribed him with food stamps... :)
    Actually we were trying to show the actual size of that thing, because pictures can be deceiving when clos eup of insects.

  3. Do you have bananas??

  4. Actually, we dont grow bananas here, but I dreamed we did last night :)
    But this spider did make it's web on a really large leaf tropical looking plant.

  5. Mr. Big is ginormous!!!!!!! My new neighbor has banana trees in his yard, and they made a baby banana tree in my yard :) Maybe we will have to send Mr. Big on vacation to ole knoxville, lol.

  6. I forgot to respond to this, but I found one by my house the day after you posted yer pics.

  7. WHOA! Your picture is so beautiful and awesome, and made me realize mine may have been pregnant female and yours is male. Guess it's Ms. BIG. :)
    Thanks for putting up your link!!

  8. Her markings look like something you'd find painted on a hotrod:)
