Last eco peeve friday I went off about how much lawnmowers annoy me. A friend tipped me off about this cool program called Food Not Lawns (Thanks Gabi)! I copied some info here for ya'll rather then recount such well stated and statistical ideas. (The following is taken from Food Not Lawns website.)
"French aristocrats popularized the idea of the green grassy lawn in the eighteenth century, when they planted the agricultural fields around their estates to grass, to send the message that they had more land than they needed and could therefore afford to waste some. Meanwhile, French peasants starved for lack of available ground, and the resulting frustration might have had something to do with the French Revolution in 1789.
Today, 58 million Americans spend approximately $30 billion every year to maintain over 23 million acres of lawn. That’s an average of over a third of an acre and $517 each. The same size plot of land could still have a small lawn for recreation, plus produce all of the vegetables needed to feed a family of six. The lawns in the United States consume around 270 billion gallons of water a week—enough to water 81 million acres of organic vegetables, all summer long.
Lawns use ten times as many chemicals per acre as industrial farmland. These pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides run off into our groundwater and evaporate into our air, causing widespread pollution and global warming, and greatly increasing our risk of cancer, heart disease, and birth defects. In addition, the pollution emitted from a power mower in just one hour is equal to the amount from a car being driven 350 miles. In fact, lawns use more equipment, labor, fuel, and agricultural toxins than industrial farming, making lawns the largest agricultural sector in the United States. But it’s not just the residential lawns that are wasted on grass. There are around 700,000 athletic grounds and 14,500 golf courses in the United States, many of which used to be fertile, productive farmland that was lost to developers when the local markets bottomed out.
Turf is big business. $45 billion a year big. The University of Georgia has seven turf researchers studying genetics, soil science, plant pathology, nutrient uptake, and insect management. They issue undergraduate degrees in Turf. The turf industry is responsible for a large sector of the biotech (GMO) industry, and much of the genetic modification that is happening in laboratories across the nation is in the name of an eternally green, slow growing, moss-free lawn"
I believe that these statements speak for themselves, clearly pointing out the consumeristic absurdity of the beloved suburban lawn. I am all about digging up our lawns - but I understand that for those who are renting the landlord may have to be convinced before you delve into your grass obliteration project. But for those who own homes with lawns, you can turn that turf into edible gardens, native gardens, wildlife habitats, raised bed gardens, stone pathways, with cascading morning glory vines and archways... you see where I am going with this. Your Lawn is a blank slate, a white canvas for you to create a beautiful natural garden with a purpose !!! One where no lawn mower will be required ;).
You may have a point. Now I just need to find a use for my lawnmower. I AM in need of an overhead ceiling fan....
mow the grass? kiss my ass!
What a good motto... I love it, lol - just make sure they don't make a million bumper stickers about it ;)
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