Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Owl Eye Moth

One of my favorite features in nature is bio mimicry for self preservation and survival. I absolutely am amazed by the moths and butterflies that have the fake "eyes" on them to scare off predators, it creates a presence as strong as the creatures they imitate and their shape shifting illusionary skillz rock.
I mean, holy cow, look at that fury little bear of a face with the tiniest 'nose' and biggest black eyes - if it hadn't been bad for it I would have kissed it. Just like the Lunar Moth, this type of moth vibrated really hard for a little while before actually taking flight. (Anyone who knows the scientific name for this moth, it would be much appreciated- I would love to find out more about it's habitat and lifestyle!)
BONUS PIC: Lookin' like a brown hairy turd...what a fuzz muffin!



  1. Polyphemus Moth; Anthera polyphemus. In the giant silkworm family, as is your lunar moth.

    It wouldn't have been fair if you kissed it, but for a different reason: It couldn't reciprocate. It has no mouth, as neither male nor female eat at all during their winged stage. They live to mate and lay eggs, so I suppose they have some pleasures.

  2. Oh, and the title of your post is right on. They are indeed meant to look like owl's eyes, to scare away birds and such.

  3. hey leslie, gaia is going to freakin love those photos! fer reals...wish we could visit...

  4. Hey Gratuitous-

    Where do you get all ya' information from? Do you have a favorite nature website? I can't believe they don't eat - when these moths get into my house I always worry about them having nothing to eat or drink (possibly a southern female genetic trait of mine), maybe they slowed down cause they get depressed being inside. I would.

    Yo GM-
    Does Gaia love bugs? If she loves bugs click on the "insects" or "smokey mountain bugs" tags at the bottom of the post and you will get all my pics of bugs (or at least the ones I remembered to tag) ... :)
    I really wish you could come stay here too!!!

  5. As a graphic designer, I spend many hours in front of a computer. I'm a consummate multitasker who is constantly trolling for info, and I always welcome distractions, so I spend a good bit of time with search engines, with of course Google being the main one (for now; new tech is on the way). So no, I don't have any favorite nature sites, and there are just too many ways to gather info, so for identifying bugs, you can simply type some of their features into the images section of Google. You had a great one with "owl eyed moth." Took me right to several matches. Clicking on the image takes you to the host site, which may or may not be a nature type of site, but if it is you'll get a ton of info, especially if happens to have its own identifier script.

    This sort of surfing, in my opinion, isn't really feasible with a dial-up (unless you can patiently tolerate constant frustration better than I). Speedy access completely changes the way we use the 'net, as you know. Welcome back to the whole world. It's awesome how you've immersed yourself so completely in the natural world. We all need doses of it to be happy and healthy, and most of us get out when we can, but you are walking the talk. Yet you maintain an online business, and share your adventures of the earth digitally with many of us, strangers and friends alike. Thanks, renaissance girl.

  6. Those are some kind words Gratuitous - thanks. Immersing myself in the natural world is what feels best, so I have to do it.
    The internet is a really good tool for info and sharing - it's cool to be all far out in the woods somewhat isolated, but also the urge to be part of something larger and share is natural too... so having workable communication through internet is a good way to melt together both worlds.

  7. Actually it’s not the Polyphemus moth. It’s the Io moth. The Polyphemus is bigger and has grey owl eyes on its wings, not yellow. I don’t know what family it belongs too tho. I just found one on my porch
