Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Satellite, E-Nature, and Etsy!

Good news! I finally was able to get satellite service out here in Big Sandy Mush after being on a waiting list for quite a while with the company Wild Blue. So I have been busy catching up on the ole' internet, but somehow the thrill of the virtual world is gone (cause Lady Ga Ga on youtube just doesn't do it for me anymore)... being online is a great functional tool though. Like check out this awesome nature website where you can type in your zip code and find all the native nature (plants, animals, birds, reptiles etc...) of your area - and in the birds section you can listen to the sounds they make!!!! (My favorite is the screech owl because I hear them at night and it makes me feel really happy and calm.)
My new satellite internet allowed me to create an Etsy store today too! So something to look forward to (in addition to The Oko Box organic clothing updates) will be handmade, crafty, primitive and eco minded etsy projects made by a few peeps who live in Big Sandy Mush (including myself.)


  1. YAY for satellite service! I look forward to watching your Etsy store grow. Great idea!

  2. !!! I know !!!
    I can't wait too! Thanks Susie...I plan for the whole store to be safe (or as safe as i can make it) for those with chem sensitivities. All the materials will be natural or upcycled.
