Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Praying Mantis Eating Fly On A Peach

These pictures need no description other then I found this praying mantis on my porch, sitting on half an old peach right as he caught this unsuspecting fly. This amazed me, thus here are a few of my favorite pics (from the 40 gazillion I actually took).


  1. i know- creepy in that good way (like B horror)... it's the way they sway back and forth while waiting for the next meal to come along.

  2. 1. This is amazing.
    2. Hi Leslie! I just came across your blog. LOVE IT!

  3. Some of your best photos yet. Great post!

  4. Hey Melissa- Thanks so much, I am so happy to see you here :) YAY! You look so cute in the blue dress.
    Nicktemologist - I agree, these are my favorite pics of all time, but i think that every time I take a new picutre. ;)

  5. Thanks lady! You look cute in all of the clothes you carry. :) Just added you to our Blogroll.

    Eco-fashion represent!
