Friday, July 25, 2008

F*@K For Forest: Eco Porn

Porn and charity don't usually mingle when it comes to business, but in an industry that pulls in $12 billion annually it would seem only natural to use it for a greater cause. The creators of the non profit porn site F*$k For Forest stumbled upon this brilliance and made an eco porn site that donates to saving the rainforest. For $15 a month you can "
Watch erotic idealists, showing it all to save our planet. All donations goes to save nature! Real environmentalists revealed for you to see." Many of the erotic idealists look a little on the crunchy side, but their cause is awesome non-the-less and I applaud them for putting themselves out there for some sexy planet savin'. Up to date this has been the only known eco porn site around, but underground news has it there is a new one in development called Organic Smut, which will also be an eco driven porn site that will donate to selected programs that are cleaning up the earth. Way to turn this industry around, one porn charity at a time!

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