Saturday, February 2, 2008

Safe Organic Toys For Kids

Did you know that most children's toys (or that teddy bear you secretly sleep with) is loaded down with toxic substances ? Hazardous materials used to create most toys contain antimony -the heavy metal used as bio warfare & as a fire retardant , lead, formaldehyde, or PVC/vinyl that uses phthalates as "plasticizers," to make toys soft and flexible. Many other materials manufactured for toy production are harmful to the environment and are cheaply made by grossly underpaid workers. Which means the "affordable" toy is soon to end up in the landfill at the end of it's short lifespan. Landfills that those very children are going to have to deal with when they grow up !

Organic and fair made toys are not only safe for your kiddos, but also they are sooooo much cuter then anything the Dollar Store has to offer. Natural materials biodegrade and when your little one puts that teddy in their mouth you won't have to panic about excessive lead from China. Check out finger puppets, hand puppets, an owl backpack, the goodies pictured above and more safe toys @ .

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