Saturday, February 2, 2008

Safe Eco Toys For Adults

Not many people stop to think about whether their sex toys & accessories are truely safe - because is there really an alternative ? More health conscience consumers are creating demand for eco friendly sex toys, in an industry that has been largely unregulated. For political reasons that you won't have to reach far into your imagination to guess, sex toy safety is a highly hush hush ignored subject. And the icing on the shoosh cake, is the Abstinence Only programs that have now taken place of sex education. Frankly, like most people, I had no idea what sex toys were made of. What I found out was a wee bit disturbing.

Phthalates are a substance used to soften plastic- it's used to make the toy feel more real. But phthalates have been shown to interfere with the natural functioning of the hormone system. These toxic chemicals have been linked to reproductive problems, liver and thyroid damage, can impair sperm, cause testicular cancer and damage the planet. Some sex toy industry leaders have taken their own initiative to create eco minded alternatives. A new safe plastic that has flexibility but not all the nasty chemicals has been introduced, called elastomer. "Elastomer is phthalate-free, hypoallergenic, soft, and durable" according to Babeland, and there's an ever growing selection online @ .

If elastomer is not your thing either, you can go with glass sex toys @ . Glass is an easy to clean, plastic free way to go for those who have extra sensative skin. Just be careful not to toss it off the bed and cause fractures in the glass ! Ouch !

Writer Kyeann Sayer of suggests these natural options : "Carrots and Zucchini? Some very good friends of mine have made use of carrots. Now, I am no sexologist, but if it's organic and clean, what harm could a grocery implement do? Benefits: custom picked by you, biodegradable, and a convenient post-bliss snack?"

he he- How gross and awesome !


  1. Why stop at carrots? You are leaving out a whole produce section!! Heads of lettuce, celery stalks, whole pineapples, and watermelons all come to mind! Could make yourself a whole post-bliss fruit salad....

  2. I love the idea of the feel of glass but I would never ever use it. I have a crazy phobia about broken glass, I would never be in "the mood"!!LOL!

  3. Honestly, glass makes me more phobic than curious too ! lol - when reading warnings about fractures in the glass, i feel woozy....

  4. How wonderful to make chemical free toys.
    Nothin beats the real thing though!
    Ladies where Y'at?

