Monday, March 14, 2011

Injured Or Sick Crow

Today when i went to take JuJu the donkey for a walk, we came upon a big crow laying on the ground. At first I thought it was dead, i thought the movement in it's body was orchestrated by a million maggots and bugs eating it's insides... till I realized it's eye was actually blinking at me. I bent down and immediately touched it, so the black crow flapped it's good wing and favored the bad one that appeared to have scrapes on it.
I don't know much about crows, but after nursing two sick chickens this winter until their death it seemed the end for the crow was near. Pointing it's head into the air, something called "star gazing"... a creepy spiritual sort of movement they do when life is leaving their body. I still took it to my spring water to see if it had interest in drinking, and it did. That gave me a glimmer of hopeless hope.
I put the crow on some leaves in a box where it could be peaceful and safe, I started feeding it with a dropper- water and mushed up food, rice milk... anything it seemed to like.
It knew when i was going to feed it, and opened it's mouth like a baby in a nest.
Eventually it's one eye that wouldnt open, opened wide and it became very alert, less lethargic. But still the head turned around, pointing to the sky continued.....
My cat toots was curious about who was the latest patient in the blue box...
JuJu the donkey was more jealous the curious... she tried knocking the box over, stepped on my camera and also tried stealing the mushed up food for the crow.
Then once I spent far too long helping the crow, JuJu of course ran away!
The beautiful crow is still blinking it's eye at me, still breathing... but I expect not for long.



  2. this crow realllly loves music. I put on classical piano and it turned its head right again.

    I still dont think its going to make it. What an amazing bird it is, feathers are soft like bunny fur and looking in it's eye you can clearly see how smart it is.

  3. Ohh, the poor crow. I love crows and ravens... really drawn to corvids for some reason...

  4. You should probably contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitation professional in your area. You can find the phone number of people who are licensed by the state and federal government to care for injured wild birds from your state game or wildlife agency.

  5. I did contact an animal expert, who also has worked for vets, with many types of animals, wild & exotic.
    they said to make the crow comfortable because the symptoms were such that it wouldnt live - but that i could try feeding and cleaning any wounds, etc - which i did.
    It is still alive this morning, but sleeping and looks very relaxed.

  6. Well now, everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies someday comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in atlantic city
