Sunday, February 13, 2011

Anxiety Attack... and so much more


I have anxiety sometimes. How about you?
(btw- the title of this video says all of what you will see!) :)



  1. I'm sorry about your anxiety attack! But it appeared to go away somewhat quickly! Yay! Did being outside in the sun help? I've read that the Vitamin D we absorb through sunlight helps with anxiety and nerves. Perhaps all those road trips to town can be good in the end? I suffer from generalized panic disorder and find that any amount of fresh air and good music help me. That and the pharmacy that lives in my bathroom cabinets. :)

    I love your grocery store by the way! Much more relaxed than those that I go to. Our Whole Foods and M.O.M.'s are like zoos! Always busy and always cram packed with people.

    Happy Sunday! Blessed be!

  2. Leslie, I love your videos. They are SO good. Especially with White Lion. Keep it rockin!!!

  3. have PTSD--you are not alone. The anxiety gets better if you face it instead of running from it like most of do at first. I have certain triggers--most of them are subconscious but I really try to track the thought or situation that triggers them. Sort of like tracking in the woods only the terrain is your inner landscape. P.S. Was that a cardinal on the stump at the start of your roadtrip?--kirk

  4. Anxiety ... yes, I am familiar with it. PTSD does trigger the rewind of stress, and @ Kirk, I have had similar experiences to pull myself through.

    I've not been in a car for most of the last two months, and will ease myself into my old faithful Forrester when it's done off-gassing from a repair job.

    Seeing YOU in the car is inspiration ... anxiety? Yah, cars are really toxic toys and when you're away from 'em for awhile YIKES.

    Take care,

