Friday, November 26, 2010

JuJu the donkey Luvs Her Neck Scarf

This is a lil' story about JuJu and her love of sassy neck scarves ::::
For the last two months I have not been able to go for walks with JuJu because she had found a way to jump a neighbor's decorative fence and roam their pasture. Mr. Dontlikedonkeys next door was more then unhappy about it, and since he'd caught her on his surveillance cameras JuJu the donkey was guilty as charged for her trespassing offense.

A sad long 2 months passed as we waited to come up with the right solution to the problem, and built a small fence this past week along the creek to block her from her habit. Yesterday was our first day to go for a walk again, and she was more then ready to get outta her fenced area - she was pushing with her head on the gate and jumping and swinging things- so when i took out her halter to put on her face (the ultimate symbol of "walk time") she grabbed it in her teeth and shook that donkey head in a big resounding YES YES YES!!!
I put the halter on her face and we were all ready to go...
but then... JuJu went inside her barn stall and stood there... patiently...staring at me. She would not budge. We stared back and forth in silence.
I was confused.
"Are you scared JuJu? Do you not remember? DO you want to go for a walk?"
JuJu then pointed her soft nose to her special blue neck scarf tied to the side of her stall and gave it a nudge. I had taken it off that morning... and thought, does she really want it back on?
I took the possible cue and pulled the silky scarf down and tied it around her neck. Then i stood back and walked towards the gate...
She now was ready to go for a walk, and followed me at almost an excited run right out the gate!
All she wanted was her pretty neck scarf on before she went out in public...
........... I dont know where she gets it from (the fashion sense OR the trespassing?!? ;)


  1. It looks like going to be a sunny day.Hope everyone keep good mood.
    I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in this topic. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.

  2. This is a great post and makes me think of where I can fit in. I do a little bit of everything mentioned here and I guess I have to find my competitive advantage.

  3. That is the most adorable story. Did you ever read the Jenny Linsky books as a child? Jenny is a little black cat who is very shy. But when she is wearing the red scarf that her master, Capt. Tinker knit for her she is ready for anything.

  4. LOVE the story...LOVe Juju and the way you 'get her'!
