Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dance Off!

With the dawning of my video camera, I have found a dance mania re-kindled in me. Being a recluse about to embark upon a long long winter that may include many snowed in days... I came up with a lil' something fun for us all to do while inside.
A Dance Off!
No for realz... I even made ah-nother website for it today for those dancing fools, brave ones, silly ones, ready to be embarassed ones and even the ones who will blow us away.
Wanna see the spanky new website, then go HERE.
So here is how DANCE OFF works:
  • I will pick one song a week (maybe more as we go along) for everyone to video themselves dancing to
  • Each person uploads their video and sends me the link so I can put it on the Dance Off post of the week
... it's that easy!

The best part is EVERYONE is invited. Young, old, housebound, wheelchair bound, slow moving, fast moving, dramatic, bouncey, beautiful, hidious, professional and hopefully hysterical too! The whole point is to have fun, for free!

Sooo, Go NOW to find out what this weeks song is...
like now!

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