Sunday, October 24, 2010

Splitting Logs, ft. JuJu the Donkey

I know. I am almost obsessed with splitting wood, luckily it's a healthy 'hobby' that will build muscle, get my heart working, make my lungs take deeper breaths, give me strong fingers and arms... and then heat my house without causing a huge heating bill this winter. Saving money is sweet, and so will be cooking on my wood stove.

Here is a short video I made yesterday morning while starting to split logs... the big wood pile to my left is what I had split the morning before. The big donkey who appears is JuJu. :)



  1. I wanna come visit so we can split logs together!

  2. Hey Benjammin!
    YOu wanna split logs with me? Come on ova'! ha

  3. Honey I would if I wasn't on the left coast!

  4. Heya nice technique! I especially love that you're doing it in heels 'XD Just wanted to mention that I've been advised by wood chopping folk that it's a good idea to have a wide, flat bit of wood underneath the logs you're splitting to protect your axe from hitting the ground & possibly damaging it (maybe yours won't be affected by this? I don't know much about axes or splitters) Anywho all the best in your future wood choppin' endeavours : )
