Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Up On The Roof (Scrap Wood, Handsaw & Milk Paint)

This is the BEFORE picture :::::
(Before I put the red scrap wood "sunburst" decoration in that triangle below the roof...)
I had some thin long pieces of scrap cedar that had been cut off larger pieces of wood used on my deck - I decided to paint them with red Milk Paint and use them for a lil' exterior cabin decorating. I was inspired by my longing for the ornate houses of my childhood in New Orleans - a city where people don't hold back on the splashy colors and elaborate carpentry work. While what I did so far isn't quite as fancy as the French Quarter, it certainly gives my Luck Cabin the funky flare I love to come home to!
  • Scrap wood
  • Milk paint
  • Handsaw
  • Hammer & nails
This exterior beautification project cost me under $5 (some money for the paint) and only a few hours of warm tanning time on the roof - it took VERY little skillz. Pretty rad when it's cheap & easy, right?
So I brought all the supplies up on the porch roof - I decided to measure each one by eye'ing it artistically, then using my handsaw to cut the angles to make it fit. I was not a perfectionist about it, but I wanted it to look symmetrical and have a good flow.... aka: SunBurst-y feeling!
The easiest way to start this, is by placing the one in the middle first, since it is perfectly straight up and down - then 'burst' outward from the center point.
So the only skillz you really need, are to push the paint brush around to paint with the milk paint, and to push a handsaw back and forth - and to hit a nail with a hammer....
AND WA-LA.... totally cute & affordable home improvement! This idea can be added onto, while I was up there I began to think of shapes that could be added, variations on the pattern, and other colors I could add in too.... circles or squares, gingerbread decor - I may keep going with this.
Here are some photos of the end result from afar..... AFTER....
Compare them to the top photo for a full Before and After ::::::
I love it! Makes me wish the stupid power lines were not in the way.... anyone wanna get me some solar panels!?? ;)



  1. Hey looks pretty good. Very creative. I have to ask, it looks like the siding at that part of the roof looks like tree bark underneath the new sunburst design.

    Is it really tree bark?

  2. Wonderful arty look there. You are so clever.

  3. Hey Doug!
    Yep, it's real tree bark from the poplar tree. You can actually do this yourself if you have patience, a hatchet and a place to dry them flat. I bought mine, green building certified - because poplar is a popular cheap lumber and the bark I suppose is a by-product that actually could be used on a house.
    I have a downed poplar tree at my house right now, that I hope i can peel some bark from- it is not an easy task!

    Thanks! :)))

  4. I like reading about people, especially women, who are carving out their lives, outside the box, right where they're at. Very inspiring.

  5. WHat a super nice compliment Teresa! thanks!

  6. Well, look at that transformation! Great job with the red milk paint. Yep, it's about time you get solar panels. The porch looks so inviting with its new roof. Yeah, who says home improvement has to be expensive? =)

  7. Simple trick to cut your electric bill by 75%:

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