Monday, August 30, 2010

Riding JuJu the DOnkey (For The First Time!)

Things About JuJu that are easy:::::
Juju loves to go for walks with me... in fact she loves it so much she will bring me the rope halter herself and let's me put it on her face with no problem. She knows that walks with the halter means freedom outside her fenced area, it means adventure and fun, it means seeing neighbors, eating grass & weeds and along the rural road.
JuJu is sweet with people, easy going, calm, and will let children get on her back. I had never gotten on her though.... until today!
THINGS That JuJu makes REALLY hard on me::::::
Deciding when and where to go. I hadn't really planned on riding her, but because me and JuJu are still struggling with who is in charge of the lead rope, who is choosing where to go and which way to turn, we ended up at my neighbors yard , luckily a neighbor who used to ride horses. I decided to make the best of where JuJu had fought with me to.....
YAY! I got on her back and she stood there. She didn't seem to know what to do and wasn't interested in walking - which was fine since we were just getting used to each other. Of course, us silly humans thought it would be hysterical to put a carrot on the end of a stick and see if she would go....
Unfortunately JuJu saw the stick more then the carrot and after a minute or two she decided the stick was MAJORLY DANGEROUS and started running down the hill! Now since I am a new rider and wasn't using a saddle I kept slipping forward till I was practically about to straddle her neck. When I loudly yelled "WHOA" she stopped and I jumped off. (My 10 first WHOA's were not stern enough!)
She got the carrot anyway though cause I am a sucker and well, she did a good job.....
Getting her home after though, was not easy. Two other people volunteered to help & I think I have a broken pinky toe (i'm too scared to look at it). Can someone tell me why this sh*t is so fun though?!!?


  1. Oh you make my day with your adventures with Juju! It is laugh out loud funny. Thank you with sharing it right across the ocean to New Zealand!! I do hope your pinky is OK.

  2. Juju is a awesome companion(love her:)!

  3. Hey Joan!
    SO glad you like.....
    but my Toe is SOoooooOO BROKEN! Juju is about to get some tough love.

    She is. But she can be such an ass. :)

  4. I don't suppose you've seen this?

  5. Mezzuzah -
    Thanks SO much for that link, it led to many things including great Clicker training videos and also I was happy to see many people wanting to train in a non violent non forceful way.
    Yay! Yyou rock! thanks again

  6. Hello,
    I am writing requesting permission to use the photograph of you above on your donkey JuJu with the stick and the carrot for use in a book. It would be reprinted in Heritage Planning: Principles and Process, by Harold Kalman (about 336 pages). The proposed date of publication is Fall 2014. It is intended as an affordable book for students and some professionals.

    We would request non-exclusive rights of the specific picture, covering all editions (print and electronic) that Routledge, Inc. publishes in English throughout the world. Credit to you will be given in the photo caption or list of illustrations.

    Could you please let me know if this is something that you would consider or not? My email is


  7. ride your slave sis....
