Monday, August 2, 2010

JuJu Across The Water (continued story...)

RECAP: JuJu Bean the donkey was terrified of water and we were stuck at the creek well into the dark of night when a neighbor pulled up and let me take JuJu to her barn and put her in a nice roomy horse stall for the night --- till we could figure out during daylight hours how to get her across!
It wasn't just creeks she hated, even a big puddle would bring her to a sudden hault ... and we had two rushing creeks to get across in order to get to my cabin, her new home. The first creek which was putting the absolute terror into her, there are no pictures of... that one was the first and hardest and here is how we had to do it....
At the first creek she knew she was stronger then me and when she saw an opportunity, she made a turn, pulled the rope from my hands and began trotting uphill, back towards the neighbor's barn -- with me and Bort walking swiftly behind her, then me finally getting close enough to her to start to run and grab the rope... she had a glint in her eye as we both ran side by side and she eventually let me catch her. Once I got her back down to the creek, we quickly had her tied to the hitch on a car so that she couldnt run away again....
Then we had to coax JuJu with these things:::::
1. apples
2. eye contact
3. spankings with a thin stick
4. pulling the rope over the creek

Two men pulled the rope (also tied to the car), one lady spanked with the stick, and I called JuJu to me from the other side of the creek- till she finally gave in after ALOT of heart breaking resistance.
The terrible thing was, right after she made it over the first creek, we had a second one to go over only 100 feet down the road! (I've got a really rugged driveway!) You can see as I am pulling the rope I am making a pout face for JuJu Bean cause I felt so bad for her!
But after the drama from the first creek, the memory of being spanked, the reward of the apple after she crosses, tug from the car and some serious trust/eye contact convincing she made it across the second body of water easier and we were on our way home FINallY! YAY!!! Go JuJu!
Proud! My neighbors and friends rock out wit' der' socks out! I love them and could not have done it alone.....
I made it easily up the road after that and got JuJu the donkey into her gated area, where she nibbled on hay, corn on the cob and tree sapling leaves... and started to LUv me!
She already HEE HAW's when she sees me out of excitment and follows me around her fenced area! I can't wait till I can take her hiking and she won't mind the water anymore. :)))
PS - (the title of this post is a play on this Paul McCartney song.)


  1. I love your Juju story!

  2. Thanks Anonymous! I love Juju! xoxo

  3. JuJu is the cutest donkey ever. Poor girl, she had quite an ordeal with the transfer, but no doubt she is loving it now! Oh, and you have some awesome neighbors!

  4. 1. apples
    2. eye contact
    3. spankings with a thin stick
    4. pulling the rope over the creek

    Well, that's three of my favorite things.....

  5. Hey Stephanie!
    My neighbors really are awesome... i shoulda known, cause "cool neighbors" was on my list of things i wanted when looking for this place :))))

    Lou Cheese...
    ha ha ha.

  6. Wow! I got back to reading blogs just in time for the donkey...Wow! beautiful..and the rooster...and an EGG! Leslie...your dreams are falling into place...Congratulations and many more blue potatoes....did you tell anywhere about what camera you are using is wonderful in its detail and gets you where you want to go...JOY and Blessings...wished you from our place....

  7. Hey Wild Canary :)
    Exciting when you look back upon your goals and realize you actually are reaching them....
    next goal is to fill up my garden beds with donkey poop so they grow awesome next year!

    My camera is a cannon EOS REBEL, i have had for over 4 years now - no special lens or anything but it's a really nice digital camera. It looks like the old cameras and also you look through the hole like the old ones too, which i like.
    So glad to hear from you again!!! How's your farm??

  8. Really the blogging is spreading its wings rapidly. Your write up is a fine example of it.

  9. Just curious how do you get pictures of yourself--if you're taking them? Do you set up the camera on a timer? Or does somebody else take them for you?

    The girl mud party was entertaining too.

  10. Hey Anonymous!
    I take some pics on a timer (when i am alone) and some other people hold the camera and take for me- various people.
    I will never tell which are which, but ya'll might be able to guess.


  11. Nice to be visiting your blog again, it has been months for me.
