Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hunting For My Mailbox

Don't look at the undies handing on the clothes line, look at that jumbo mailbox!!! I had no idea where the heck to put my mailbox, but where it's sitting on the porch isn't the right place - ya know how rural mail works, the mailboxes gather in a cluster somewhere, like a family. So i started walking down the road in search for the mailbox family i hoped to eventually find...

There are creeks that run across my driveway, not under it, but like right on top the road. Gives me fond flashbacks to the flash floods in the roads of New Orleans ... these creeks ain't got nothing on a crescent city flood - except that they are clean and way prettier!
I walked and walked downhill ---- for so long that the sounds of rushing water in the creeks was making me thirsty and I could feel the muscles in my legs straining from sitting around too much all winter. It's like a never ending forest...
with BIG creeks, big amounts of water creating loud sounds as it hits more rocks below...
AND lots of BIG rocks....
and some crazily BIG McMansion Log homes.....
And FINALLY the family of big jumbo mailboxes I had envisioned!!! YAY! Now I can plant my flag, and truly settle into my new home. USPS here I come... ;)


  1. I hope you don't think anything bad of this, but my response to "Don't look at my undies" is to click on the picture and look for the undies! I don't know's just the way I am.

    But if it isn't distressing enough to find out that I'm some underwear freak, I was doubly disturbed to learn that I can't actually find the undies in that picture! And believe me, I looked for them!

    I felt like I was doing some warped "Where's Waldo?" as I scanned the picture multiple times looking for women's underwear. I don't mean to sound weird, but...where is it??? I'm thinking it's somewhere around the deck railing on the right side of the picture?

    I'm sorry if this comment is disturbing, but I think I'm probably more disturbed than anybody to find out that I'm an Internet underwear stalker! :-)

  2. Thanks Mokihana!!!

    I only said something cause right after i put up the pic, i was like hey, my undies are hanging there ...
    they are hanging off the porch to the right of the mailbox...
    for all the underwear stalkers - they are all kinda dark colored. Looking like shorts, cause some are.

    I did some wash cause i have hot water, yay!

    PS- not disturbed, you made me laugh!
