Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Dedicate This Song To Myself

When I was a tiny version of myself I always listened to the radio's 'dedication hour' religiously awaiting for the day when some random dude was gong to declare to B97 FM that a song made him think of me... I was hoping the song would be "Celebration Time" by Kool and The Gang. I was totally into disco. My record player had a strobe light on it.

But today I just wanna dedicate this song called "Places" by Wildbirds & Peacedrums, because ... well it's where I am at the moment. Oh and the girl is playing a freaking KALIMBA (thumb piano) in the beginning of the video, and I used to play one too!



  1. Feeling Blessed (to have found your blog)February 3, 2010 at 10:23 AM

    Your postings are amazing . . . so full of life and real. I don't comment much on blogs but wanted you to know that your talents and willingness to share them are so appreciated.

  2. Feeling Blessed!
    What a super duper nice compliment to get from someone who turns out to NOT be a spam-bot with a link to something weird like glow in the dark undies.
    Thanks for showing your appreciation, I appreciate it. ;)
