Sunday, November 1, 2009

DIY: Crochet Headband In Soy Fiber Yarn

Halloween was one washed out rainy, dark day - so I decided to spend it doing an indoor craft project and save my outdoor hauntings for another time. I wanted to crochet a simple headband that wraps around the forehead, in a sort of neo hippy, native american, warrior style. You know, except that crochet never really looks hardcore- it naturally lends a softness, sweetness, and kindness to whatever you make. I used natural fiber yarn made of soy that I bought from Knit For Brains last year. :) Here are the simple steps for a quick headband:
  • Crochet a chain (ch) to fit around your own head, using a small hook (F5).
  • Crochet a single stitch all the way across- when you get to the end, stitch right into the other end creating a circle.
  • Crochet single stitches around the circle for 4-5 rows, then tie a bow!
One accessory can change your whole character! Happy belated HAllOwEen!



  1. digging the subtle alternating color patterns ..

  2. Hey Blair -
    That is how the yarn came - some of the color choices have subtle changes in them. I can never decide if I like it or not.

  3. I like it, it has a very nice snakeskinish pattern to it.

  4. Hey Gretta! You are right, it does look like a snake skin... now i like it more :)
