Monday, August 31, 2009

Freeplay Indigo Lantern (Hand Cranked)

It's like Christmas in the summer! My mom had given me some gift cards to Gaiam last holiday, and I had horded them like a secret treasure waiting to reveal itself, until this month. As much as I resist actually liking Gaiam at times (cause their organic panties smell like a chemical dump & alot of their stuff appears to be made in china), their products came in the most minimum and eco packaging I have ever seen- the packing peanuts were the kind made of corn starch and melt in water and nothing was wrapped in extra plastic!!! I wanted to review each of the items over time (except the snake bite kit, I don't really want to know if it works or not...) and I am going to start with my most favorite thing I got...

**The Freeplay Indigo Lantern.

This lantern is the ultimate - it comes with a charger you can plug in, and once it's charged it goes for many hours with super bright light. So bright that I turn it on next to my bed and read a book till I go to sleep. The other way to charge it back up is there is a hand crank on the side. You spin it round and round and can get different amounts of light depending on how much you charge it. A little green light shows up on the side to let you know it is in fact actually getting a charge too, so you don't have to guess whether you are cranking enough or not.
Another amazing feature it has is a spotlight/flashlight on the front- which uses way less charge but puts off a powerful beam. The amount of light coming from the flashlight is not adjustable like the lantern light itself, but just as intense. IN fact... it's so intense it came out looking like Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon! (See below)! ;)
  • 60 sec. of winding powers cluster up to 2 hrs. on nightlight and 2 min. at maximum brightness; powers directional light for 12 min.
  • Rechargeable NiMH battery powers light cluster up to 70 hrs. in nightlight mode and 2.5 hrs. at maximum brightness.
  • Compact lantern features a cluster of 7 LEDs; dimmer switch lets you adjust from area lighting to nightlight use.
  • LEDs are nearly indestructible and provide as much as 100,000 hrs. use.


  1. I might suggest that you maybe should not be lulled into a false sense of security with the snakebite kit. It probably works fine most of the time, but still...

    p.s. I hate to so negative recently, but it's easy to be worried about you. I hope you're not really as alone out there as it seems.

  2. Those are interesting reviews - i thought about the fact that the snake bite extractor should not be made of breakable plastic- but something like stainless steal instead ... one of the reviews said they still needed anti- venom and that is true... the kit is NOT a replacement for going to the hospital and a doctor has no way of telling how much venom you got out with the extractor cause there's no way to know how badly you got bit --->
    My reason for getting it, was cause it was better then nothing if you are waiting for a ride to the hospital to show up. But I really do hope i never use it- I try to take tons of snake pre cautions all the time, sometimes even sweating in tall boots on a hot day when I rather wear flip flops.
    No need to worry though - i bet a million dollars it's safer to take a walk in the woods then a ride in a car :)

  3. Is that a tiffin in the first pic? I've been watching ebay for one.

  4. a tiffin is the 3 tier stainless steal food container...
    Lou Cheese, you should share all those links you sent me last night about it! Especially the TIffin cozy! ;)

  5. LED lighting is the way to go. Once again, Les, ahead of the curve you are.
