Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Black Spotted Fly

I have been seeing this big boy for a few weeks now, and am kind of amazed at the fact that it's so pretty... you know, and it's a fly. It landed right on my arm and didn't bite me even though I have been convinced this thing may have been a big biting black fly. It is smart but not very paranoid...a bigger fly means bigger fly brain, and I am not sure where that leads us but I am sure he's thinking about it.
The wings are like black and white stained glass and the body is ever so slightly bee-like. His wings don't make tons of noise like some flies, it is more of a wispy air flow - more gentle, more elegant. I have to wonder though, was it born of cow manure? Can anyone identify this fly?



  1. I too have that insect that buzzes around my house and have not a clue what it is. I am doing a search right now and came across your posting. I'm in NJ, where's your beauty located? Unbelievable that it doesn't sting! I was up on a ladder cleaning out my gutters when I thought it was going to attack me. It sure is a fiesty guy that's for sure! Have you identified it yet?

  2. Hey jen!

    I have no clue what kind of fly this is still, and what it's purpose is- let me know if you find anything.
    It is definitely Fiesty!!!

  3. oh, i forgot to say- it's in western North Carolina, up in the smokey mountains! :)
    The climate here can be similar to northern climates- it's not very southern weather at all.

  4. Just spotted one here in mid-Michigan (August 23, 2009). No clue what it is and have not yet found anything on line - save for this posting and photo. Thought it might help others to know how widespread the sightings are.

  5. I just took some pics of one in my yard too... I'm all the way up in Oswego NY, just 8 miles south of the lake shore...

  6. Hey I think I found it!

    Tiger or Progressive Bee Fly?

    There are lots of pictures there!

  7. Awesome! Thanks so much BunnyKissed! That is definitely the same fly, and I like how they refer to it being feline & a bee & a fly all in one name! ;)

  8. I have the same fly my little one saw it and call me out to the front of our home. she has taken pictures and my 6th grader is taking it to his physics teacher tommorow. We are in south sub of Chicago Illinois.

  9. I'm in lower west michigan, city of Grand Rapids, actually, and I have had 3 at least hanging out on my porch for the past couple weeks. I killed the first one because I wanted to know what the heck it was, the other two SEEM aggressive...but we haven't been bit. Lived in michigan my whole life and never seen these....and everyone I ask says "horsefly" *rolls eyes*

    Guess I'll check out that link.

  10. Here in Virginia Beach also.
