Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Blue Bug Is This?

Sparkles here didn't like it's picture taken, but man... look at how amazing this little bug is! It was sunning itself on top a big squash leaf- (I wish that it would eat squash beetles). Does anyone know what kind of insect this glitter monster is? It's fancier then a slutty sequined dress on the Hollywood red carpet. :)


  1. Six-Spotted Tiger beetle (Cicindela Sexguttata). Sexy indeed.

  2. Oh, by the way, do you think it's really blue? I see that, but there's much green as well... I never thought that the two could collaborate so well together.

    I love the shape of this thing. Nearly all other beetles have tiny heads, making me think they're stupid, but this one is, well, bug-eyed. Like a Sleestak. Make it stop looking at me.

  3. Upon first site the bug is totally blue - but it's got that shimmer irredecent thing going on, where it gets silvery greens going in just the right light. It also was SUPER duper tiny. And it absolutely knew I was taking it's picture, it was not at all dopey and stupid...
    i can't believe you knew the name of it!!

  4. I knew the common name by complete chance. I had to look up the scientific name though. I loves me some bugs, but I'm an amateur, like I am in everything else. There are 360,000 species of beetles known so far, and I know maybe 200 of them. So no, nothing impressive hear.
