Friday, May 22, 2009

View To A Still

I like to stand on this hill along the fence line marveling at the Big Sandy Mush valley. From this spot I can see where two mountains are diving down towards one another forming a space in between called Robinson Cove Rd. ... I used to live there 3 years ago in the most rustic log cabin your imagination can conjure up. Not even a toilet was there, but there was a antique claw foot tub with the most dated & extravagant looking tub handles, facing a window with a view similar to the one in this picture. Breath taking and too real to be real. Now I live in a rustic converted barn that has a toilet but no working tub, which I only notice when I realize I smell funny & worry that I am like the stinky person on the NYC subway that no one wants to sit next to... but really I just smell like fairy dust, angels, and rainbows. ;)
(Which is wood smoke and trees.)

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