Sunday, April 26, 2009

Upcycling A Polo Dress into a Summer Dress

This once cute polo dress from AA was no longer doing it for me - a little out of style (at least to me after a few years of wearing it), what I really wanted was a plain little summer dress for the hot days a' comin'... I laid the polo dress out flat - you can also use a big men's polo shirt to make this dress too! I cut off the collar evenly across, and then cut off the sleeves. For a shorter dress and to retrieve extra fabric I cut a strip off the bottom for a waist tie & straps.
I sewed the sides back together, then added the fabric strips from the old hem of the dress for sturdy shoulder ties.
Lastly I sewed on a waistband to tie in the back, by simply stitching up the left and right side seams leaving it loose in the middle and loose at the ties. This was a really quick, easy, and no fuss project that gave me a great little dress to lounge around the house, yard or go to a yeehaw dance in. :) Check it out, super KEY-UTE...


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