Monday, March 16, 2009

Green Sex Video

Isn't this kid a cutie? He made a funny little video about "green sex" and how to enlarge your penis by recycling and other related tips...
"The most natural male enhancement ever. You want a bigger d!ck? Mother nature wants a better earth. You scratch her back, she'll make your c*ck larger. A video full of scientific studies that show you how to make your man-stick bigger through the simple ways of being an environmentalist. Go Green..."

Show him some support for his earthly efforts by watching his video on yotube here!
ps- he also wants to be an eco model, so ya'll designers need to contact him!


  1. I LOVE IT!!! Finally an angle for men - all the women and kids I know are already on board. Still, he talks to his audience as if they ARE children... well he IS talking about their favorite toy, which can be reused countless times... hee hee

  2. I tell you how I make my johnson bigger:

    Buy another bike.

    Works every time.....
