Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blogging Vacation!

This week I have been forced into a blogging vacation due to a broken computer keyboard that types the letter "t" all day and because I am packing to move out into the woods at the end of this month!!!! Be chatting with you soon again...


  1. Lucky you, moving to the woods! I hope it is safer for you! I am still hoping to find a safe place in the country to move to within the next year or so. Finding places without farm land is almost impossible here, though, I might have to try the mountains! (and like I am complaining, I was born in the mountains!)

  2. Packing for the woods! Yah for you. And we are too ... it must be the time to do it. All the best Leslie.
    See you in the trees.

  3. I'm so excited to hear about you moving to the woods soon! Do tell? Where, how? Will you actually be living outdoors?
    I'm so envious yet happy for you at the same time :)

    Enjoy your woods time and I hope the computer lack actually ends up feeling liberating!

  4. Hey Leslie! Happy moving to you!!!
    Hope the new place in the woods will cradle your spirit, inspire your creativity, and be a huge ~ safe haven for your body! Enjoy the peaceful break-a-way from the computer, too! Looking forward to hearing all about it!

  5. I'm so happy for you, Leslie. You'll be in my thoughts every day. Good luck with the transition! Sending you huge Aloha Hugs. Hurry back to us with all the news. xoxo
