Thursday, January 22, 2009

On Sale! Valetines Special!

This adorable hand woven wool handbag is on sale at The Oko Box, marked down from $55 to $30! Indigenous Designs employs people from the most impoverished regions of the world, incorporating traditional crafting techniques with modern design - the results are perfectly earthy yet elegant pieces that won't be outdated.
The red color is perfect for the upcoming holiday! So here's a cute idea - fill this sweet little handbag with a few sultry goodies for Valentines... like a surprise pair of eco skivvies from Clare Bare and a pack of flower seeds that'll attract hummingbirds and butterflies. You can order all three of these gifts for $60 ... there's nothing more romantic then a little social justice, saving money and showing some love for the earth!

1 comment:

  1. To Whom It may Concern:

    If you are looking to purchase in higher quantities you may want to go with my company. We can get you a really great deal on your t-shirts, or any other knit product, at a fraction of the price you charge your customers..Please contact me for further details. Please feel free to visit our website at:

    Marissa Nabiel
    (We deal in 100% Bangladeshi Organic Cotton)
