Monday, December 8, 2008

Top 5 Blogs I Love To Read

Here's a list of some really cool blogs that I heart, big time. Some of them are earth friendly and some of them are just dang cool!

1. Crafting A Green World - This blog rocks the craft world because it's entirely focused on making crafting a completely eco endeavour, featuring tutorials, places to get supplies, organic fabrics, and activist commentary.

2. The Canary Report - A fabulous blog dedicated to collecting information on Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, but it's so much more then that! Beyond the great community & good support it's the best resource on the web for keeping up with news on chemicals, laws, politics, and the life of those effected by these things. (Other MCS blogs listed in the links section such as Living w/ MCS are personal stories that I love to read too!)

3. Inhabitat - Fabulous green design, art and architecture news that you just can't find anywhere else first, it's completely cutting edge and educational, as well as beautiful.

4. Abandoned Baton Rouge - How I love thee? Let me count the ways... 1. there is an underlying environmental message to this blog 2. it's creepy like a horror movie yet completely real to life 3. the photos are fabulous and tell awesome stories of the demise of each location 5. the writer Colleen Kane is cool as shit & has other hysterical blogs as well (like Ba Rou is the new Brooklyn).

5. GiannyL - This fun-tastic vlog blog has the best video tutorials on how to make just about any cool craft out of upcycled materials... shoes, bikinis, skirts, costumes, shorts- all with minimal skills, no sewing machine and out of stuff like old t-shirts or jeans. Plus Gianny L makes crafting look like an ultra sexy party...which is why she made the top 10 hottest girls on the web list (imagine a crafter making the same list as super models & playboy bunnies!)


  1. Yay! Thanks for the shoutout! I love reading your blog, too.


  2. Aloha Leslie! Thanks so much for your kind words and for being such a big part of The Canary Report. It just wouldn't be the same without you. We belong to the Mutual Admiration Society! I love your blog and your energy, your creativity, your smarts and strong sense of doing the right thing, and your big heart. Plus, you are so kick ass fun. Mahalo! {{hugs}}

  3. Thanks Colleen & Susie !!!

    I can not believe i forgot to add this one to my list but here it is:
    Yes, it has the "n" word in it... it's totally off the hook NOT politically correct and full of hysteria... here is what he says about himself:
    "I'm the blognigger; nigger of park slope, nigger of the blogosphere.I'm a 32 year-old Software Engineer. I grew up in Manhattan, went to a ritzy private school with 95% white kids where I was the token African American black kid.Now I make $106,000 a year, and I'm a pauper in Park Slope. No, literally - we have to leave. I have two kids and my rent has just been raised to $3500 a month. I couldn't afford that in a billion years - already got my wife doing online surveys and shit to supplement our income (hey don't knock it - these things bring us decent $$).I've lived here since 1999 (when 5th avenue was still a total shithole), and now I'm going to have to uproot my family and move out of brooklyn.
    Can I ask you a fucking question?
    How can I be making $106,000 a year and not be able to afford to live in Brooklyn?
    It works like this: "Cool" people such as my wife and I, with my interests in Almodovar and Jonathan Lethem and Apple's HUIG and and Interpol and Spinal Tap and KrsOne and boingboing and Fark and AphexTwin and Groovy on Grails and Bob Ross and Glengarry Glen Ross and Jorn... we move into a neighborhood just before it's safe and desireable. We take "sketchy" walks to the subway (yes, just because I'm black, it's still sketchy - maybe they can smell the whiteness within me) and we deal with not being able to buy tapas on ever corner until the rest of the neighborhood catches up.
    But here's the thing - we rent.
    After the neighborhood is built up with designer peruvian cuisine and gourmet garage franchises, it's deemed officially cool. So cool that it's a viable alternative to manhattan. Now wall street moves in - hundreds of people with quarter million dollar bonuses in '06 and '07 - so much fucking money that I don't stand a chance. They buy.
    Now my 2 bedroom on Garfield st. is $3500 a month, and I'm a fuckin nigger. "
