Monday, October 6, 2008

Simple DIY: Natural Skin Care

I am not one who has the patience to sit around with cucumbers over my eyes but I am not into smelly lotions bought in a plastic bottle either. I love to come up with my own instant potions for my skin care- especially since I have chemical sensitivities & gluten allergies, making it nearly impossible to find pre-made products I can tolerate.
1. A great way to cheaply and easily exfoliate is with coarse kosher or sea salt. You know how whenever you go to the beach the salt water makes your skin so nice- this does the same thing too but with extra scrubbing power! It's the perfect facial scrub.

2. For a full body scrub, get a body brush - they last for many years and do an awesome job making skin baby smooth.

3. I moisturize my skin with a mixture of olive oil and fresh lavender leaves - any herb you like the smell of will be good, but lavender has special healing properties for the skin. I rub the oil around my eyes, on my body and even gloss my lips with it too! xoxo

Do you have any skin care secrets that are simple too?

1 comment:


    DIY on making your own lotion!
