Sunday, October 19, 2008

DIY: Halloween Hair With Eggs

Halloween is coming fast and I for one still have no costume. One of the cheap quick and easy ways to transform yourself into your Halloween alter ego is by doing something wild with your hair- but if like me you don't want to dowse your head down with toxic hair spray & gels, there is an eco alternative in your kitchen (unless you are vegan, then it's in your mama's kitchen.) Eggs. And if you need to make Liberty Spikes, you might want to throw in some honey.

Here is hair-do #1, the 80's rocker poof with bangs... just like in 8th grade I can never get my bangs to spike very high, sigh.

#2 is the general sculpting hair-do, where you can do model hair, hair of the decade, or something cute like Beyonce! ;)

#3 -Planning on bride of Frankenstein or some 18th century action? With some bobby pins and a friend you can get that egg to spike it pretty high!

Hair-do #4 is the crimp, which the process is shown below. Didn't save that hair crimper from 1985? No Prob, just put your hair in a bunch of braids for at least all day or overnight...

and if you get bored you can do things like this with it...

The end result is way cheese munchin' 80's-fied awesomeness!!!

Now that is sooooooo 8th grade! Yay baby!

You can use just egg whites, and for heavier and stickier hair add in the egg yellow - for hard core sculpting add some honey too! And send me pics of your eco-do!


  1. This is a hilarious post!! I did a cat costume once when I had long hair and I made my hair into the ears up on top of my head. It came out really cool. I can't remember what I used to make it stick but probably hair spray, it was before my mcs days :P and I was still using poisonous crap. I have NO hair to play with anymore, cropped as short as I can get it! I could be a skinny Marine maybe.

    Is your cat really black and orange stripe? Wild thing!

  2. Hey Susie -

    Cat ears is a really good idea! I should try that one out too. I think the egg is good for your hair, which is a bonus :)
    My kitty "Toots" (pronounced like tootsie toll) is black and orange stripes, she is so cute!!!

  3. That's some awesome 80's stylin. Want to have a dance party with me?

  4. Haha Leslie these are awesome!!!! :-D

  5. You can also use (non vegan) Knox gelatine for stiff hair, though I haven't tried it. The third shot was a bit Amy Winehouse--hair only! Wait there's no way anymore(sadly) for that to sound like a compliment, sorry.

  6. lol - hey colleen, you are totally right, and the second person who mentioned that. I am so out of touch with music, i just discovered Amy W. like a month ago. :)
    back to my 80's radio station...
