Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Get A Bike! Ride the Sidewalk?

Recently I sold my Ford Ranger Truck and got a used bike instead. It was the best decision I have ever made... but at first I was a little worried. Not that I would not have a car for transport but that biking in the mountains of Asheville NC would be really difficult, and I would be a spazz on my bike. Which led to my next concern: the fact that bikers are supposed to ride on the road with speeding cars instead of the sidewalk and that the spazzy drivers might hit me. It seems a little unsafe to treat bikes just like vehicles and require them to hug the sides of busy highways next to a virtually empty (safe) sidewalk. So when a guy in the Co-op grocery told me to ride the sidewalks unless I was right in downtown, you best believe I am doing it (see picture)! This gave me a chance to learn how to ride my bike- how to use the gears, brakes, etc without spilling out onto the street in front a behemoth car going 50 mph. Riding a bike is so easy, anyone living in flat cities should fear not & be on a bike- it brings fun back into traveling. And these here hills aren't so bad to get up and down if you learn how to properly use those 10 speeds sitting on the handle bar. CAUTION: riding in thrift store heals is really hard and may lead to ridiculous laughing spells.


  1. There are so many benefits to riding your bike over your car. Way better for the health of the planet and our own body. I am more comfortable riding the sidewalks myself.

    Great photo!

  2. riding is bike is really healthy - builds good muscle! Most jobs now-a-days don't provide enough fresh air, sun and excersize- so biking to work is a great way to stay healthy.

  3. So is it against the law to ride on the sidewalk? In Sylva, NC it is and I can't recall if that is due to town or state law.

  4. I should probably find out...
    I have heard it is like that downtown in every city, but on the outskirts where people aren't on the sidewalks much, maybe it is not enforced much since it is safer for the biker to not be in the road.
