Sunday, July 13, 2008

Caterpillar Eating Dill

I didn't know caterpillars would eat herbs, but this little guy has made his whole life based on this one tiny organic dill plant.

He started out much smaller, blackish and spiky - and has transformed into this beauty which I know he will get alot bigger, then cocoon. It's worth the dill sacrifice to watch him live out his life cycles right on my porch.


  1. That's fun. I hope you can catch a picture of him after he pops out of his cocoon!

  2. I think that's a Monarch, lucky you.

  3. WOW cool - now i am even more excited. If he gets mad two little stinging yellow horns pop out his head! I wish I could do that :)
    I hop you are right Jordaan !!!

  4. It is an Eastern Swallow tail - Mostly back with blue spots at the base of the wings. 4 inch wingspan. My dog was chasing them in the yard and now I have 2 caterpillars enjoying my dill.

  5. Oh neat-o! I found another one eating my parsley... i thought it might not be a monarch since I had heard they only eat milkweed- and these guys are eating whatever they crawl on :)
    The eastern swallowtails are everywhere right now- they are so beautiful!
