Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Periodical Cicada or a Look Alike?

Today my kitten Toots found this awesome orange Cicada. Since I used to be completely obsessed with bugs I knew enough that the orange Cicadas are the gang that only comes out every 17 years, or is it 7 years? See once I started looking up info on the lovely & informative internet all the facts began to conflict, even to finding that there were possibly 17 year Cicada look alikes. huh? Maybe they got their years off a little, or are ahead of the gestation curve. Is there an entomologist out there who can help me out on this one, would love to know what's up with my new buggie friend! And did ya'll know that people eat these things?!! OH yes they do, here are some Cicada Recipes, like German Chocolate Cicada Cake ,Cicada and Chickpeas, and Cicada Granola Chews (don't worry there's recipes for quiche and something involving mayo too!) But best check it before ya wreck it, cause it's advised that pesticides may be on their bugalicious bodies, so choose your culinary location wisely and don't try them if you have shellfish, nut or soy allergies. I think this means they are gluten free though :)


  1. That is indeed a 17 year cicada.

    Dan from cicadamania.com

  2. Wow dan! Thanks so much for letting me know- now i will hav to go search around outside to find more to marvel at!

  3. Hi there,
    What a beautiful insect...not sure about the edible part! *laughs* I found your website last night at Green Maven and am in love with your store!!! I blog about natural mothering, going green and environmentalism. I'm planning to blog about Oko Box soon...your vintage collection is eco-fab!! More people need to know what you're offering. I love that it's affordable too!!! A huge plus. Keep up the great work. I'd actually like to know how you got started- maybe do a guest post on my blog...???? Hope to eco-chat soon. Thanks! :) www.recycleyourday.com

  4. Hey There Lamamanaturale!
    Thanks so much for the compliments, The Oko Box is my one true love and spreading eco thought is my fav thing to do :) So glad you like the store, I really try to make the prices realistic for people! Can't wait to check out your blog too, and would love to do a guest post on your blog and answer any questions you have! The Oko Box started with a combo of wanting to make a difference through consumerism, my own health issues which lead me to bunches of research, seeing less then appealing & expensive organic fashion stores, and an owl that came to live inside my house.
    Today my laptop computer met it's death, so it make take me two or three days to respond in my usual zippy manner...

  5. One more cicada recipe to add to your recipe list. Cicada shakes!
    I'll share my long kept secret with you now:

    1) Collect enough cicadas to fill a blender. This is important because after you grind them down they lose their size.

    2) Blend

    3) Drink! Yum!!

  6. lol - No thanks on the shakes. I don't think that is an "official" recipe for Cidicas...ew
