Friday, January 25, 2008

Women earn 1.7 cents, per Harvard Hat

"In Bangladesh, women earn 1.7 cents for every baseball cap they sew with a Harvard logo and 5 cents for every Disney T-shirt they sew that sells for $17.99."
-National Labor Committee

Imagine you are that worker, committing yourself to hard labor in a dark unhealthy factory, to still live in poverty. No benefits, no human relations, children working beside you - and then you hear that for the 5 cents you made sewing that t-shirt, it was sold for 35.98 X's what you made. Think of the fat white men in suits, flying all over the world & sipping their bloody mary, off slave labor profit.

*"Today, organic and Fair Made clothing constitutes a niche market, but with your support we can ensure that at least 30% of all clothing in the USA is Organic & Fair Made by the year 2010. Help us reach these goals by participating locally in the Clothes For a Change campaign:
Campaign for your school district or university to begin purchasing only organic and Fair Made clothing and fibers. Campus clothing represents is a $6 billion a year industry.
Get a resolution passed in your town mandating organic and fair made fiber purchasing for municipal contracts.
Buy your new clothing from socially responsible businesses who can certify that their products are organic (not genetically engineered) and Fair Made.
Fax the Gap and ask them to meet our demands!
Help us ensure that every exhibitor at Earth Day festivals and May Day Rallies are selling only fair made and organic clothes.
Organize a leafleting event and demonstration outside your local Gap!
Ask the manager of the local store where you purchase your clothes if they can guarantee that the fibers they use are GMO-free and organic and if the workers who made the garments were paid a living wage. "*
VIA : Organic Consumers association, Clothes for a change,

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