Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eco Designer Showcase : MACHJA


"Le coton biologique, une matière première de qualité"

Machja's Certified Organic Cotton is produced by 300 farmers in India, who are paid fair wages in advance for their rare crop. Organic Certification guarantees that the crops grown to create this niche fabric are free of any pesticides, therefore preserving the earth's natural biodiversity. Being that conventional cotton culture is one of the most polluted businesses in the world, and thousands of people die each year of air quality related respiratory disease - switching to organic saves more lives then that of microorganisms. This is why going organic feels so dang good !


Machja has now spearheaded a new innovative fiber, made of milk ! Milk follows a process of extracting the milk protein: "impurity elimination, dehydration, and écrémage to subtract the fatty matters. Once this step is completed, the protein by 'polymerization' becomes fiber, thus being able to be spun into a milk fiber all ready to knit !" (That is so awesome !) Of course this fabric will not be well accepted by vegans, but innovating new fabrics free of harmful chemical processing is an earthy step in the right direction.

Machja has been tauted as the Organic "Gap ", but the designs and ethical goals far exceed the quality of The Gap. Corsican designer Sarl Machja has created simple, luxurious designs that carry a whimsy of romance. His line has extended from day wear & denim, to a ZEN collection which includes pajamas & yoga gear. Machja is available all over Europe, and in the USA only @ !

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