Saturday, April 2, 2011

DIY: Gluten Free Rice Milk


Rice milk is killing my bank account. I love it, I drink it everyday, and when i don't have it it's all i think about. It's my addiction and since it's a healthy one I thought it was about time to start making my own - (like when a meth head realizes they can make their own meth lab! Except that is not healthy and they have to condemn tha' house after.)

* Since I found videos easier then the recipes online, I made a lil' vid showing my first attempt at making rice milk at home!
* This probably cost me around $5-10 dollars, to make 1.5 gallons of my own rice milk... when buying amazake 2-3 small drinks would cost me as much! I have no idea why companies charge huge amounts of $$$ for rice milk since making it actually doesn't cost much and a big part of the recipe is just water.

*rice (brown is healthier)
*Sweet Options: sweetener like honey, maple syrup or rice syrup, etc...
*Flavor options: vanilla, almonds, and/or other grains you can tolerate
*Pot, Spoon, Blender, Strainer (cheese cloth or stainless steal)

Do ya'll have any non dairy milk recipes? I would love to hear them! Almond, soy, and gang!



  1. You have no idea how glad I am you posted this! I can't find a rice milk without extra ingredients I can't have. I keep meaning to look up a recipe,m but haven't. My books give recipes for the more unusual things (zucchini milk being one, as an example) but I guess they just assume rice milk is so easy to get, why bother?

    Have you tried hemp milk? I considered it, but it is rather high in protein for me, I think.

    Oh, and to make zucchini milk, just puree really, really, really well and heat to boiling then cook for one minute. With peel it would be green milk, but haven't tried that!


    In the wilderness you cant be picky. Remember Rambo! he could eat thinks that would make a Billy Goat puke.

  3. I watched this while drinking a cup of homemade hazelnut and almond milk. Now I'm inspired to try rice milk too. Very cool!

  4. Nut milks are simple. Run a cup of almonds, brazil nuts, whatever in blender with 2 cups of water. Then strain out the nut meal. You can add maple syrup or honey to sweeten.

  5. @Anonymous

    That's fascinating, I always wanted to make my own nut milks. Could you post a video to YouTube showing how you make yours? Thanks!
