Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cha Cha Cha Changes

Sometimes I want to change my life. It's possibly a habit I have developed over the years... made worse by changing seasons (which I did not experience growing up in the tropical south.)
But on this rainy PMS day, i have no clue what the change is i desire. Or no real way to plan it out.
When it is something simple like, 'i want to move' then i can look for a new house. When it is vague and lingering, almost nagging - it has no rules, it has no plans, it's only a strong desire that hasn't found a form.
I want things, that I dont know if i can have. And if I can have them, I dont know how i will get from point A to point B... although usually the dominoes keep falling on their own knocking the next day into the next without any effort on my part.



  1. I learned one of my favorite expressions in Kenya: A river that doesn't flow becomes stagnant and dries up.

  2. Day is night in New York City
    Smoke,like water runs inside
    Steel idle trees to pity
    Every living thing that's died

    Life is like the coldest winter
    People freeze the tears I cry
    Words of hail their minds are into
    I've got to crack this ice and fly

    Gonna hitch a ride
    Head for the other side
    Leave it all behind
    Never change my mind
    Gonna sail away
    Sun lights another day
    Freedom on my mind
    Carry me away for the last time

  3. A picture is worth.....
    but a video is worth a trillion words

  4. Bad poetry and P.M.S. sounds like a disaster!

  5. Anon -
    i can think of two disasters worse the "PMS/bad poetry" combo...
    Japan, and Libya.

    that should put things into scale.
