Monday, January 24, 2011

To The Lil' Local Library and Beyond- (a bit of fail)


The girl on the phone told me the library opened at 3:30.
Away I go.



  1. Nice video again. You may need some stuff like blank DVDs or paper. Lots of us have extra hanging around we can send you. You do the videos and we will pay for postage and send extra stuff we have. Value for value.
    What do you need?

  2. So you've got yourself a vlog now. That's cool I guess, but it's your prose that I personally I look for. Maybe write some more?

  3. Gratu -
    sorry for my lack of words. Been too depressed honestly to write much. The camera has been what i could muster up. Words wont be gone forever, i fluctuate.
    And you know, if i write i am depressed i will get scores of advice and judgements, etc.... so i do this better.
    hope you are well!
