Saturday, August 14, 2010

Orange, Black and White Clown 'face' Caterpillar

Holy Toodles! I found this caterpillar while sitting in the woods quietly for a bit in the same spot, I finally looked down at the maple sapling leaf below me only to discover little feet holding on the the under side of the stem. When I flipped it over to find that it was a caterpillar who's ass looks like it's supposed to be it's face- then I looked closely to see that faux face actually looks like it had a black colored clown nose (perfectly round!), the shape of a dog's muzzle and the colors of some foreign country that appreciates the exotic spirit/vibrance of nature.....
I think that ass face was actually grinning at me! Or perhaps growling...
I have never in my life seen this type of caterpillar, or anything closely resembling it, do any of ya'll know what kind of caterpillar this is, and what it will become when it finally takes flight??!
(below is a close of on the strange fake face... extremely elaborate in it's disguise, color, pattern and shape - a beautifully crafted mask.)



  1. his body looks like a bunch of venetian beads strung together!! beautiful!!

  2. Hey Kirk!
    I know there is something ornimental, dazzling and primal about those colors!

  3. Either a Red-humped Oakworm Symmerista canicosta or Orange-humped Mapleworm Symmerista leucitys. I'm leaning towards the latter Symmerista spp.
