Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mud Wrestling in the Luck Pond

It didn't start out that way... it always starts out innocent, with a finger, a wellie boot, then a toe. Next thing ya know, your legs are sinking and your knees are covered in mud. Then someone pushes you down in the mud and your face is splattered....... then IT'S mutha' freakin' ON! Mud Wrestling!!!!! Mud Zombies start coming towards the other people who are watching in surprise, to pull them down into the dark skanky smelling muck........ dirty loves company!
There was plenty mud slinging, mud being shoved down other people's pants, mud squished just for the lovely feeling of squishing it... i think someone even put some in their own pants to see what it would feel like if ya poop'ed yourself! That is what good times are about. :)
Swimming with the snapping turtles didn't last long though...
This is the kinda girl gang you don't wanna F with. trust me.
Thank gawd for the outside shower here at the cabin which actually has warm water - but only a little bit so we all piled in to wash our clothes and faces off before the warmth ran out!
YiPPpeeeee Zipppppieee!


  1. GM---> I totally wish ya'll coulda been here too. I doubt they will ever forget something like that! I don't think I have ever done that in my life either!
