Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Owl Eye Caterpillar Metamorphosing

Wowzers! I found this caterpiller on one of the old locust fence posts I am about to put up for my donkey - and it was in it's very first stages of metamorphosis!!! Pretty awesome to see - you can observe the back legs already squeezing into a cocoon shape, and at it's head and feet there were tiny spider web like strings holding it tightly to the wood.

It seemed to only be able to squirm a lil' at this stage, it could no longer run on suction cup toes - it also did not unfurl it's tucked under head when i moved it from the fence post to a safer place high up in my barn.

Does anyone know if this owl eye caterpiller, will become one of thoses magnificent owl eye moths?!?



  1. Bella! Bella!Bella! Beautiful!!!


  2. I know COsmic - isn't it pretty! My eyes could not have missed it's neat shape.

  3. Gratu- way cool! I love them.... i never would have guessed this was who they were in their former life though, i thought for sure it would be a moth!

  4. When the Tiger Swallowtails are in their brown stage, it is a sign that they're about to begin their transformation! Nice find! As an insect lover, I really do find your blog exciting! I will be coming here more often!
