Saturday, June 26, 2010

Firefly (the bug & the event)

A great bug, that makes a great light show....
Special Local EVENT::::
Speaking of Fireflies... for those of you in the Western North Carolina area (or those who love to travel for special events ) during this July there is a cool 4 day adventure in learning 'rewilding' , primitive, crafting, live off the land, and traditional skills over here called FireFly! You can take awesome classes like learning to identify edible mushrooms, basket weaving, flint knapping, bow drill, oil lamps, making net & mesh, stone knives, bark tanning, animal skinning, bowl & spoon carving.....
Ya get the idea!!! I will be there or I will be square. Pass the info on to those who might wanna join in the non electric, eco, wild livin' fun!


  1. I hope I am still going to this event--->
    I will let ya'll know, cause right now I am trying to get in touch with someone working Firefly to clarify whether the registration fee is for classes, or just alot of $$$ to camp there and classes are additional.

    There is a sliding scale for those who don't have alot of money, but for me it is really prices if classes need to be paid for in addition to the registration fee! Plus accomidations.

  2. Looks good to go :::

    With regard to extra fees for classes, please relax. I'd estimate that 85% to 90% of the classes do not involve any additional fees and are free for you to join by virtue of you having paid the registration fee. A few classes do require materials fees, like in the case of an instructor having spent money purchasing materials for student use or having spent a great deal of time preparing the raw materials needed to do a particular craft, like for example if you were making a drum and the instructor provides prepared drum hoops and hides, or if you were making a bow from scratch and the instructor provides rough-blocked high-quality wood for students to use. I'm sure you'll find plenty of classes and activities that will not require additional expense beyond the registration fee that you already paid."

    WHo else is going???
